
since I have seen some mistakes in Vcs-Browser (lintian will tell you to
drop the .git in the end), I noticed that you might simply waste your
time to edit d/control manually (recently hhsuite).  That's obviously
error prone and a you waste your time.  So I repeat my strong
recommendation:  If you touch a package run

     cme fix dpkg-control

It does a lot of sensible things including setting Standards-Version
(well, for the moment it is lagging behind a bit as well as lintian -
but that's a matter of days only and you are in sync with lintian which
reduces the noise you see).  Please use

# cat > /etc/apt/preferences.d/01-cme.pref <<EOT
Package: cme
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 605

Package: libconfig-model-dpkg-perl
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 605

# apt install cme libconfig-model-dpkg-perl

to make sure you always get the latest packages from unstable which are
most up to date (for instance for Standards-Version).

I'm using it since years before every update.  Its very helpful.  Trust
me. ;-)

Kind regards

     Andreas (just back from DebConf)


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