Dear SPAdes developer team,

while updating the Debian packaging for SPAdes, which also includes adding 
build-time and installed tests for each tool, I noticed that the plasmidSPAdes 
tests (plasmidspades.test —test) do not succeed. This consistently happened for 
the Linux version (tested on Debian stretch) and on Mac OS X (version 10.11.5). 
I have attached the log file for one of them to this email.

The resulting error is:

== Error ==  TEST FAILED: 
/home/vagrant/SPAdes-3.8.0-Linux/spades_test/contigs.fasta does not contain 

and indeed the file has size zero.

I have skipped tests for plasmidSPAdes for now but wanted to let you know about 
the issue.

Many thanks and best regards

Attachment: spades.log
Description: Binary data

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