Tobias Frost writes:
 > small issues only, please fix those (or convince me that it is ok) and
 > ping me again.  I'll pull from git.
 > -> d/changelog 
 >  * It is convention when you package a new upstream to have that in the
 >    changelog. As you close upstream bugs, you would write:
 >       "New upstream release. Closes: #794395"
 >  * Because: d/changelog is for Debian changes, not to document 
 >    upstream changes. Let those lines go. 

All right. 

 >  * But there are changes do the pacakaging which are not documented:
 >      o removal of B-Ds, adding of README.Source 

So these are added. 

 > For practice sharing: When my package is under a repository I try to
 > have one commit per change topic. This helps to understand which
 > d/changelog entry correleates to which change.

So addition of 1 line into changelog is one commit git. Makes sense. 

 > -> d/README.source
 >   * the procedure you describe is quite standard, so maybe remove it?
 >   otherwise:
 >   * it has some trailing whitespaces.
 >   * you *SHOULD* *REALLY* sign tags, at least the final build
 >     (add this to your gbp.conf) 
 >   * you should even consider signing every commit. 

Well,the README.source is now gone, importing the new release so that
git-buildpackage was happy required some practice. Signing commits is 
indeed good idea. Which gets me into next topic: 

 > -> your gbp.conf should be only related to the package, not your
 > (local) build enviorment. You local settings should go into your local
 > file. See gbp.conf(5).

Ok, gbp.conf(5) does not contain word "local". But I understand that
things like tarball-directory or directory for ready builds may be
different from user to user so those lines are now removed, as is 
commands for building and cleaning. In "[git-buildpackage]" I added
entry for signing git tags - is this again something that should be
considered a local setting?

 > (As you are upstream: Please also bump the copyright years when you add
 > or edit files to their header. Its odd to have new file (c) 2013...
 > NOTE: This is *NOT* something you need to fix for this upload, just a
 > suggestion to adapt this best practice in the future)

Hmm..a template. Yes. 

Changes for packaging have now been pushed to github. Package in
mentors has not been updated. 


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