Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "spglib":

 * Package name    : spglib
   Version         : spglib/1.10.1-1
   Upstream Author : Atsushi Togo <>
 * URL             :
 * License         : BSD-3-Clause
   Section         : science

It builds those binary packages:

  libsymspg0-dev - C library for crystal symmetry determination

Spglib is a C library for crystal symmetry determination. Symmetry
operations, space groups and other data can be obtained using this
symmetry finder.

Features include:

* Identify space-group type
* Find symmetry operations
* Find a primitive cell
* Search irreducible k-points
* Refine crystal structure
* Wyckoff position assignment

The package implements symmetry determination algorithms by  
Grosse-Kunstleve (Acta Cryst., A55, 383-395 (1999)) and Grosse-Kunstleve
and Adams (Acta Cryst., A58, 60-65 (2002)). There are language bindings    
for Python, Fortran and Ruby.

Packaging of spglib was previously requested in RFPs #602113 and #674135 

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 

Alternatively, a package can be GIT cloned from the packaging repository by:

git clone git://

Best regards,
Andrius Merkys

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