I see this bug, too.

The bug is more general: word selection is lost when a change in window
focus occurs, so that you can't apply *any* formatting selections to an
individual word via a dialog.  The floating color palette, as per the
original poster, but also the Format->Character dialog triggers the bug.

I turned off focus-follows-mouse, to see if I could 'trick' the bug by
clicking on a color in the floating color palette w/o actually focusing on
that window.  Unfortunately, this also causes the color to apply to the
entire text box when the color is clicked.  Maybe this is related to
click-to-focus, though.

I discovered a work-around: go to View->Toolbars->Color Bar and enable the
color bar, which appears at the bottom of the main window.  You can color
word selections using the color samples in the color bar without trouble
-- likely because a change in window focus is not involved.  Similarly,
for font properties, you can click on the bold, italic, etc toolbar
buttons to apply these to words, even though the Format->Character dialog
is broken.

I hope this bug is fixed soon!

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