While I am at it, here is an update. Hope you will find it useful.

Draft 0.2 [2005-12-10] (Only covers Apps)
Draft 0.1 [2005-12-08] (Only covers Apps)

[!] Unmodified
[M] Modified
[+] New
[?] Need more information and/or unsure about what to do with it

Apps (normal applications):

Section:        Apps/Admin
Description:    Administrative and system configuration utilities, also tools 
for personal user settings
Example apps:   aptitude, configure-debian, sysv-rc-conf

Section:        Apps/CD and DVD
Description:    Software for CD/DVD burning and related tools
Example apps:   graveman, gnome-baker, dvdisater

Section:        Apps/Databases
Description:    Interactive database programs
Example apps:   gaby, pgmonitor, MDB viewer [WHAT PACKAGE IS THIS IN?]

Section:        Apps/Editors
Description:    Editors for text based information that are not office word 
Example apps:   gedit, nano, hexedit

Section:        Apps/Education
Description:    Educational and training programs
Example apps:   gtypist, gcompris, quiz

Section:        Apps/Electronics
Description:    Circuit design tools, simulators and assemblers for 
microprocessors etc.
Example apps:   geda, gnucap, tkgate

Section:        Apps/Emulators
Description:    Emulators, virtualisators, software that allows you to run 
non-native apps
Example apps:   wine, dosemu, qemu

Section:        Apps/File managing
Description:    Tools for file management and archiving, file searching tools
Example apps:   file-roller, mc, baobab

Section:        Apps/Graphics
Description:    2D and 3D graphics manipulation software
Example apps:   gimp, inkscape, imagemagick

Section         Apps/Hamradio
Description:    Anything relating to ham radio
Example apps:   baken, hamsoft, twlog

Section:        Apps/Math
Description:    Math related programs
Example apps:   gcalctool, snapea, xeukleides

Section:        Apps/Misc [WAS TOOLS]
Description:    Simple apps that don't fit elsewhere, try to find a better 
Example apps:   [FILL ME], [FILL ME], [FILL ME]

Section:        Apps/Net
Description:    Network related programs (this is three level menu, do not put 
entries in second (this) level)

Section:        Apps/Net/Web browsing
Description:    Web browsers, newsfeed readers [DO THEY REALLY BELONG HERE?]
Example apps:   elinks, epiphany-browser, liferea

Section:        Apps/Net/File transfer
Description:    File transfer software such as download managers, FTP clients, 
P2P clients
Example apps:   amule, gftp, d4x

Section:        Apps/Net/Mail
Description:    Mail and Usenet readers, mail notification applets
Example apps:   mutt, mozilla-thunderbird, tin

Section:        Apps/Net/Chat
Description:    Chat, instant messaging, IP telephony, video conferencing 
Example apps:   xchat, gaim, gnomemeeting

Section:        Apps/Net/Other
Description:    Network programs that don't fit elsewhere
Example apps:   gip, ettercap, iptstate

Section:        Apps/Office
Description:    Office suites, address books, CRM, financial sofware etc.
Example apps:   openoffice.org, koffice, gnome-office

Section:        Apps/Programming
Description:    IDEs, debuggers, etc.
Example apps:   anjuta, gdb, eclipse

Section:        Apps/Science
Description:    Scientific programs used by medics, teachers, biologists etc.
Example apps:   ncbi-epcr, earth3d, therion

Section:        Apps/Shells
Description:    Various shells
Example apps:   bash, ksh, zsh

Section:        Apps/Sound
Description:    Sound players, editors and rippers
Example apps:   beep-media-player, grip, audacity

Section:        Apps/System
Description:    System information and monitoring tools, cryptographic and 
privacy related software, antiviruses
Example apps:   top, avscan, gpgkeys

Section:        Apps/Technical
Description:    CAD tools and other technical software not directly related to 
Example apps:   gpsman, qcad, pythoncad

Section:        Apps/Text
Description:    Text oriented tools like dictionaries, translation and text 
analysis software etc.
Example apps:   kdrill, stardict, turkey

Section:        Apps/Viewers
Description:    Software for viewing images, documents and other (not video) 
Example apps:   gqview, evince, gthumb

Section:        Apps/Video
Description:    Video players, editors and rippers
Example apps:   xine, totem, kino

Section:        Apps/Webmaster
Description:    Web development tools
Example apps:   bluefish, screem, gphpedit

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