Hello list,

I am a happy owner of an iBook 2001 running Debian GNU/Linux unstable
and in order be touch with the Internet also while traveling away from
home I'm interested in mobile Internet connection solutions for this
nice piece of hardware. 

I heard about different solutions to go online either via GPRS or UMTS
technology using some of the latest (Third generation) mobile phones.
My NOKIA 6210 actually does not support bluetooth, GPRS or UMTS so a new
handy stands on top of the things to buy.

Anyway before buying a new mobile phone I would like to know if someone
in here already had some experiences with Debian GNU/Linux, an iBook and
mobile Internet connectivity through mobile phones. Maybe you could
suggest me an interesting bluetooth, GPRS/UMTS handy which could handle
the job.

Links, howtos, etc are also very welcome.

Actually I am very happy with NOKIA so maybe this could be the way to

Thanks in advantage for interest and feedback on this topic.
Best regards,


              _.--..---"-,--c_    Ivo Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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