In late 2002, I set up and customized conferencing[1] software on Debian GNU/Linux 3, an old PPC 7600 and with much help from folks on the list, both directly and via the archive. I would like to say a proper thank you.

It allowed several classes of students to make and participate in web-based conferences. It has also led to other departments exploring the use of Debian on other platforms as a possible replacement for legacy systems.

During the summer I used a G4 + Debian for development and then moved it over to the 7600. From Dec 2002 to Jun 2003, the 7600 ran Woody with no downtime, either schedule or unscheduled, and required only about 15 minutes of preventive system maintenance. The users have been so pleased that it's been brought into use again this autumn while a budget for new hardware is sought. The way faculty approach online teaching/learning has also changed in a positive way.


[1] A modification of COW chosen for its functionality, small footprint and low hardware requirements.

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