Quoth Anthony Towns on 26 Oct, 1999:

> > Quoth Anthony Towns on 25 Oct, 1999:
> (Saith?)

Hrm.  Perhaps.

> Without a prototype, we shouldn't be voting. Throwing out ideas,
> is fine, we've alreay done a lot of that, even before Lalo said
> anything. Personally, I was finally getting around to trying to make
> a prototype.

True, however:  I have just volunteered to help you with your code, which
probably wouldn't have happened unless this discussion came up.  And we've
had some, imo, good discussion about a better way to implement this.  Granted,
this may not be the right forum, but I think its had a measurably better
result than yet another debate about "Debian is so old" on -devel.

> > maintainer, but it strikes me that if we follow this line of thinking, there
> > is no need for any directing body.
> Which is a good thing.

Well, I'll agree with you there, but I wasn't going to get into my grand
schema of political thought in my original post.  :)

> All this `I've got a proposal, let's vote on it' stuff isn't quite right.

[ ... debconf snipped ... ]

> See http://www.debian.org/~ajt/ for the last version of `look, I made a
> proposal! Now all the hard work's done, let's just do it'. It didn't work
> either.

Alright.  I'll bow to experience here; ss I said, I'm just a
wet-behind-the-ears newbie eager to change the world.  There still should be a
forum for discussing these kinds of things before hand without degrading into
the flamewars that get going on -devel.  Not sure what the right answer is..
if something like this exists, please point it out to me.  Maybe just dealing
with the SNR on -dev.  *shrug*

Anyway, count me on your side here.  I've mailed you privately about your
code, and I'm willing to work on it, so I have *something* productive to do
while waiting (and waiting... and waiting...) for something to happen with the
status of new-maintainers.  I see nothing wrong with calling for discussion at
the same time, though. :)

Robert C. Jones | rjones-at-devzero-dot-org | http://www.devzero.org
  Linux junkie  |   professional sysadmin   |     raving lunatic
        Please use PGP: http://www.devzero.org/public.asc

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