I've received a media query on this topic I am about to respond to.

I figure the project would not take it well to find out what we're going
to do from a news story.  And obviously I don't know what we're going to
do, but I do think I know where we ended up here and what I'd be open to
helping with as DPL.

There is insufficient support at this time to entertain paying salaried
positions from Debian money.  Some of the objections include the
following.  We don't have sufficient recurring funds.  Managing people
and handling performance issues is a skill set we do not select for.
Doing that could create significant power imbalances.  If we're going to
start somewhere we'll start smaller.

I think there are significant challenges and concerns paying for core
functions related to our operating system from Debian money.  It creates
complex and potentially concerning feedback loops in terms of
prioritization.  Today, if you have (or pay for) the time, you gain
significant influence.  That has its own problems, but changing that
would give power structures within Debian  control over what Debian is
in some strange and hard to understand ways.  That makes a lot of us
uncomfortable.  So I don't see supporting using Debian money to pay the
DPL, TC, packaging, release team, security, archive functions of
ftpmaster or the like.

However, encouraging others to pay Debian developers for Debian work
seems to have general support.  There are some concerns about how LTS is
working, but overall we seem relatively happy.  Expanding that model to
help connect money with qualified Debian community members seems worth

Similarly, I'd be open to the idea of pursuing grants or contracts to
fund projects not related directly to our operating system.  There are a
lot of things we do that everyone has to do: run IT infrastructure, keep
our accounts, run a website, run conferences.  Many of those we do our
own special way.  That's great, and so long as we have volunteers to do
the work and those volunteers are happy and have the resources we need,
we should keep right on being excellent.  However, if our volunteers
need help and contracting for effort to help them would make Debian
better, we can consider that.  Similarly, if we cannot find volunteers
to do work but we could find volunteers too coordinate, then contracting
may help.  In areas not related directly to our operating system I'd be
open to  experimenting with using Debian money.

As I've said, I won't drive that effort: it's simply not my focus as
DPL.  I'm happy to working with the right person to put together a
proposal to experiment with a couple of grants.  If you're interested
and have the time to drive such an effort, approach me at Debconf or
write to me after Debconf settles.  I currently expect that I'd want to
take such an experiment to a project wide vote before allocating funds.


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