Dear Friend,
Sorry for disturbing you, but we really require your help. We have put up a 
petition on our website "infouncensoredchina.net". It’s against the forcible 
removal of organs from harmless practitioners of Falun Gong in China. Please 
sign this petition. We need your voice to stop these crimes against humankind.
What is the 610 Office?
The “610 Office” is all over China but even the Chinese people do not know 
about  something so horrible in their own backyard. The 610 Office, officially 
called the “Office of the Leadership Team to handle the Falun Gong Issue”, gets 
its name from its date of formation: June 10, 1999. 
The 610 Office is an extralegal organization of crueality similar to Hitler’s 
Gestapo in the oppression of the Jewish people during World War II. The former 
chinese communist party leader Jiang Zemin gave the 610 Office wide-ranging 
powers and the freedom to use “every means necessary” to wipe out Falun Gong 
(also known as Falun Dafa) - an exercise and meditation practice based on the 
universal principles  of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. 
Functioning with full exemption from legal punishments, the 610 Office today 
has become infamous for its regular use of horrifying torture methods. The 610 
Office possess total power: Nobody dares to ask for proof or question a 
decision to sentence any person to a jail. Whatever fabricated news the 610 
Office decides to publish or broadcast, nobody dares to object. In 
penitentiaries and forced labor camps, if Falun Gong practitioners are killed 
because they do not agree to give up their faith, the killers may not be held 
responsible for the crime, by claiming that the order to use any and all means 
necessary came from the 610 Office so they should not be held accountable.
In most cultures, women and children are spared any type of brutal or cruel 
persecution. In Chinese culture, there is also gentle affection and compassion 
expressed towards women, children and the elderly. Maternity is given reverence 
and expecting women are treated with kindhearted care. But for the 610 Office, 
expecting women are soft and easy targets. They take nasty amusement in trying 
different torture techniques that go beyond human morality and imagination.
In Nazi Germany, Dr. Mengele and his staff employed various cruel techniques 
which were imposed on thousands of Jews, but these methods pale in contrast to 
the inhuman persecution techniques used on Falun Dafa practitioners. In years 
to come the world will be truly shocked by what is known now only to a few. We 
hope all people of conscience in China and worldwide will make a concerted 
effort to expose the evils of the 610 Office. 
The persecution in China is not only killing lives but suppressing the very 
principles which are essential to the health and well-being of people 
throughout the world.
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