On Mon, 6 May 2024 16:24:17 -0300,
Jack Warkentin<j...@eastlink.ca> wrote:

>Hi Everybody
>I am an 86-year-old long time user of Debian GNU/Linux (at least 20 years). 
>And I subscribe to the debian-project mailing list as well as a couple of 
>other debian mailing lists. I sometimes have problems understanding 
>abbreviations and acronymns used on these lists and occasionally in package 
>While reading this thread I could not understand the "NM" acronymn (and some 
>other abbreviations as well). I finally found out NM's meaning by looking at 
>https://www.debian.org/sitemap and reading "Debian New Members Corner".
>It would be helpful if Debian would create (and keep up-to-date) a web page of 
>acronymns and abbreviations used by Debian literati. Or is there already such 
>a one, but not listed on the site map?

Something like this is available on the wiki:


-- Andreas Rönnquist

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