Guys, It's me again.

Yesterday was may 10, mother's day.

Today Victor's mom is gonna have a breakfast with his brothers and sister, I 
don't know what to do.

Like I said before, I was deported in december of 2015 to Mexico, but actually 
I am from Germany. and I found his documents in the trash.

I don't know exactly what is up with all these people. They keep pretending I 
am Victor when it is obvious that I am not. Just damn found his Ids.

I have come to learn or deduce that Victor might have died time ago.... I don't 
know, What do I do?.

I repeat, his address was Mar Caribe 137, Colinas del rio, Aguascalientes 
Mexico, but that house is in ruins, and abandoned, and was told to never go 

And also I repeat again, Marsellana Residencial, Monza 206, Aguascalientes, 
Mexico ,... I don't know who this place belongs to. but in any case, it's not 
mine and niether's is/was Victor's.

Tomorrow, I am sure his familly will start "mumbo jumbing" about whatever they 
had to say to him... I don't know what to reply, but I also cannot comply.... I 
don't think they actually ever had good intentions about Victor anyway.... or 
they wouldn't be pretending, I believe they are aware his real son, Victor, was 
last seen in the USA border.... and they are now just whatever doing.

I don't think that is good for me either... please inform anyone about this and 
me, I seriously would like to return Europe or at least Canada.

I don't know what on earth I am doing here in Mexico.

... sorry for the trouble, but I really don't have the trust to 
anyone else to talk about this, and some seriously important webpages are not 
working correctly, like said before, the UN site.

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This is the second email I send about this.

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