Thanks for the report and status of indic languages

Arjuna rao chavala
Telugu localizer
On Nov 6, 2011 12:13 AM, "Christian PERRIER" <> wrote:

> This mail will try to summarize what I learned, discovered, shared,
> etc. during my stay at the Mangalore edition of India mini DebConfs
> 2011 [1].
> This miniDebConf is the third one scheduled this year in India. The
> first one in Kuttipuram, Kerala, back in April 2011 had about 25
> attendees, while the second one, in Pune, in August 2011 had up to 150
> registered attendees. That followed another miniDebConf organized in
> 2010, in Pune [2].
> This edition was organized at the NMAMIT (Nitte MahaLinga Adyanthaya
> Memorial Institute of Technology) [3], about 50 kilometers north of
> the coastal city of Mangalore, in the state of Karnataka, in
> south-west India ([4] and [5]).
> Organisation was lead by Vasudev Kamath and a very
> efficient and active team of Computer Science students from the
> college. This college, overall, has about 4000 students. Organization
> got full support from the college staff, including the college
> principal, Dr. S. Y. Kulakarni, who presided the conference inaugural
> session.
> My own travel to India was funded by the Debian project assets, with
> approval of our respected DPL, Stefano Zacchiroli. Hosting and
> accomodation for invited guests were taken care of by the organizers in
> the college guest house (that covered about 15 guests as far as I have
> witnessed).
> I gave the opening talk, after the formal inauguration ceremony (where
> I had the great honor of being presented as "chief guest", which then
> included addressing the 150-people audience during the opening
> ceremony [6]), with a 3-part topic :
> - introduction to Debian,
> - contributing to Debiand
> - Debian internationalization and localization.
> The first part was largely borrowed from Stefano's slides from talks
> he gave this year, as I have been impressed by the very clear way he
> can give a good picture of our project, even for newcomers.
> Newcomers were here, indeed the target, at least from start, as this
> talk (and all talks of the first day) was attended by a very high
> number of students. I tried thus to do my best to give a good picture
> of the project, without going far into technical details, but by
> insisting on aspects that make Debian special (in our opinion) among
> other FLOSS projects:
> - culture of technical excellence,
> - promotion of the culture of free software,
> - independence,
> - decision making systems (do-ocracy, democracy...).
> A short parenthesis was made about derivatives and Debian relevance
> (making reference to Ubuntu, which is clearly the most widely used
> Linux-based system on our attendees' own machines).
> The second part about Debian contribution was an adaptation of a talk
> I already gave a few times, trying to demythify the difficulty of
> becoming a DD or even "only" a Debian contributor. I insisted on that
> part as my feeling over the years I worked with the Debian community
> in India is that people often hesitate to invest themselves in the
> project, by some fear of not being "able enough".
> Finally, as localization can be a very good entry point for newcomers
> (several of our regular contributors in the region started indeed by
> working on localization). I made an overview of the various aspects of
> Debian l10n/i18n. I also focused more specifically on localization for
> languages in the country as we currently support several of them in
> Debian Installer, and made a comparison between languages of India.
> My slides for this talk are available on my talks page at [7]
> (warning, 90's web style ahead!).
> Later on, Jonas Smedegaard (as part of his "Debian Pure Blends trip to
> Asia"[8]) lead a talk about Debian Pure Blends,
> focusing on how "derivatives" can work inside Debian instead of
> outside of it. This (and later discussions) lead to interesting
> exchanges with representatives of CDAC (Center for Development of
> Advanced Computing), a government agency that, among many, develops
> and maintains BOSSLinux, a Debian-based distribution deployed very
> widely over India on thousands, if not millions, of machines. Jonas
> will probably develop this aspect on his own, but I found it very
> positive to see such exchanges, particularly when one knows that
> exchanges between CDAC/BOSSLinux and the local FLOSS community in
> India, have sometimes been quite difficult. Such live meetings (as
> well as those Jonas had in Hyderabad and others he will have in
> Bangalore) will certainly improve the connection and exchanges between
> BOSSLinux developers and their upstream, namely Debian.
> Later on, we planned sessions about internationalization and
> packaging. Unfortunately, local Internet access conditions, after
> severe storms that affected the neighbourhood, prevented the planned
> "live" work session on DDTP Kannada translations to happen (Kannada is
> the official language of the state of Karnataka). Instead, I could
> improvise a general session about localization.
> During the second day of the conference, attention was focused on
> contribution to Debian, introduced by a talk by Kartik Mistry about
> "how to become a Debian developer"and followed by sessions about
> packaging. We also handled a session about GPG key handling followed
> by a mini keysigning session.
> Here again, the packaging session was somehow difficult to organize
> because of Internet connection problems (once again, not because of
> the college itself but more an infortunate consequence of weather
> hazards).
> It has to be noted that the event made its way into one of the major
> newspapers in India, namely "The Hindu", in its Karnataka edition,
> where a 4-column, 1/3 height article with a photo about "College near
> Mangalore hosts three-day Debian meet" was published on Sunday October
> 30th, in page 6, widely published in a 70-million inhabitants state
> [9].
> As a conclusion, I would like to enhance the big success of this
> miniDebConf, thanks to the support it received from the NMAMIT college
> as well as the precise and detailed organization of the team lead by
> Vasudev Kamath.
> These miniDebConf in India are vital to keep the community linked.
> Indian contributors can often hardly participate to general events
> such as DebConf, because visa delivery is often very complicated for
> them, and travel costs are very high. We should do our best to always
> have some of them sponsored to attend DebConf, but also do our best to
> encourage local miniDebConf there.
> My own participation was, I think, a success, along with that of Jonas
> Smedegaard. Having the participation of "international" contributors
> in these events is something that brings more attention on them and is
> really highly appreciated by the local community. The care taken by
> the local team to organize all aspects of our stay in Nitte clearly
> shows that.
> Links:
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> [8]
> [9]
> --

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