I'm not an Ubuntu developer, but...

On 2024-04-22 18:27, Dima Kogan wrote:
Alright. It is April 2024, so Ubuntu 24.04 is coming out. My hazy
understanding of what happens is that on some day (when?) they snapshot
Debian/unstable, apply their patches, rebuild everything, and ship it.
This is probably over-simplified, but mostly right, yes?

That's probably close enough, but my understanding is that it's a continuous process, not a single event. While a given Ubuntu development release is open (i.e. from the point of opening until their Debian Import Freeze), they continuously import changes from Debian unstable (maybe testing when it's an LTS release cycle?).


What happens if a package cannot be rebuilt? I think it just silently
doesn't make it into the Ubuntu release?

Based on your example, apparently yes. I suppose the other alternative is that it doesn't update and stays at the older version.

But this mrbuild update came too late to make it into Ubuntu 24.04, and
thus mrcal cannot be built there and thus there is no mrcal in 24.04. At
least I think that's what's going on? I don't see any bugs on the Ubuntu
launchpad, and I have no idea when the cutoff happened. Has it happened?

Yes. Ubuntu is fully frozen. Release is imminent (April 25).

So... How are we supposed to be taking care of "our" Ubuntu packages?

You can file bug reports. Additional information (debdiffs, etc.) can help expedite resolutions from the MOTU team.

there some Ubuntu mailing list where I should post to ask for more
clarity in their processes?



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