If somebody wants to answer.



Unix is user friendly ...  It's just picky about its friends.
--- Begin Message ---
  I am putting together a web sit called "Linux Grid" that will offer
users a grid style summary of features for many distributions.  I
would like to include Debian Linux on the site when it opens, however
I could not find all of the information I need on your web site.  If
you'd like to be included please correct/fill in the following and
send it back to me.

Distribution Version: 2.2r3
Target Market(s): General
Desktop Environment(s): Gnome
Package System(s): RPM, Debian
Xwindows system & Version: Xfree 3.3.6
Kernel Version: 2.2.19
Supported Architecture(s): Intel, PPC, Alpha, m68k, sparc, arm
Install Method: Graphical? Text? Automated? Other:(please specify)
Upgrate Without re-install: y/n
Price ($US unless otherwise stated): $00.00 or (Download Only)
Downloadable: Yes

If there are any other features you think would be of interest for
users searching for a sutable distribution, please also include that
information and I will consider adding more collumns to the grid.

I hope to have the grid up and running by the end of the month, next
month at the latest.

Thank you for your time.

Michael C. Litty
Linux Grid

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--- End Message ---

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