AM report for Atsuhito Kohda

Applicant info:

Name:            Atsuhito Kohda
Current email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Preferred email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                 (to be forwarded to: [EMAIL PROTECTED])


Atsuhito provided the following gpg key:

pub  1024D/5BFA90EC 2000-04-28 Atsuhito Kohda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig        5BFA90EC 2000-04-28  Atsuhito Kohda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
uid                            Atsuhito Kohda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig        5BFA90EC 2000-04-28  Atsuhito Kohda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig        65B328C6 2000-09-18  Hatta Shuzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sub  1024g/7E522785 2000-04-28
sig        5BFA90EC 2000-04-28  Atsuhito Kohda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It is signed by Hatta Shuzo, who has just become a Debian developer. 
His key might not be on the debian-keyring yet, but it is on (finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Identification check passed.

Policy and procedures:

Atsuhito explicitly agrees to the social contract and the DSFG. I met
him on irc, and I'm confident that he has a good understanding of them.

Policy and procedures check passed.

Tasks and Skills:

Atsuhito is a member of the Debian JP Project already. He maintains some
of the japanese teTeX packages (dviout and jdvi2kps, see

Atsuhito is a very active subscriber to the debian-tetex-maint
mailinglist. He has packaged some (non-japanese) TeX related packages
(foiltex, pb-diagram), which are not in Debian yet. Those packages can
be found at
They are mostly lintian clean. He is busy packaging more (pdf)TeX
related tools.

Furthermore, he his bug reports
are examplary: they're quite clear and most contain patches that solve
the bug.

Tasks and skills check passed.


I recommend that Atsuhito Kohda becomes a debian developer.

Kind regards,
| Bas Zoetekouw                  | Si l'on sait exactement ce   |
|--------------------------------| que l'on va faire, a quoi    |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | bon le faire?                |
|    [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |               Pablo Picasso  |

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