On Sun, Apr 01, 2001 at 10:15:41AM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> "If there is no Project Secretary or the current Secretary is unavailable 
> and has not delegated authority for a decision then the decision may be 
> made or delegated by the Chairman of the Technical Committee, as 
> Acting Secretary."

Ok. But I was not aware if Raul was delegated such authority.

> > I have not heard back from Darren at all. Right now I am going on the
> > precedence that if Darren never replies, then I'm left with the
> > decision, 
> I think you need Raul's agreement in that case.
> > How about I label this as an "interim" decision, until I hear back from
> > Darren. Giving him at most one week from my initial contact attempt.
> OK.

I have heard back from Darren now. He is in agreement. However, I did
not realize that the Secretary's term did not end until October. I was
under the impression that it coincided with the DPL's term. Either way,
he has stated that he is willing to let Manoj start now.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

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