On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 09:51:49PM +0200, Juergen A. Erhard wrote:
> There's this current thread on the size of Debian's ftp archive
> (started with someone noting the size of `gmt-coast-full', ~47M)
> I think this is a moot discussion... just look at disk prize these
> days.  Here in Germany, a 20M IDE costs about DM 400 (~ US$ 230).
> Any mirror that can't afford that shouldn't be a mirror in the first
> place (IMHO).

The gmt-* data are extremely large relative to the number of people
that use it and its importance.  If we adopt your attitude, then
we might see new packages that have an even lower utility/size
ratio.  What happens when I decide that everyone has to see the
new movie about Linux I just filmed, and I decide to upload all
3 GB of it to main?  Or when someone decides to contribute all
of their favorite books from the Gutenberg Project in .deb format?

What you thought was a large amount of space (20GB) is now entirely
full.  Are you going to buy all of the mirrors new, even bigger
disk drives?  Somehow I doubt it.  

The problem isn't how expensive new disk drives are, rather the 
problem is the low utility/size ratio of some packages.  

[note, this discussion belongs on -project.  Reply-To: is set]

Colin Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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