
I am a coordinator of an event called Talkerfest 2003
in Daytona Beach, Fla in May. 

Please peruse our website http://www.talkerfest.com
for updated information.

I would like to invite you to attend and take part in
this talker/mud/mush/moo convention/gathering. 

In addition, this event inlcudes many open source
programmers, developers, and admins.

My writing to you is ask if you would be willing to
become a co-sponsor in this event. We are in need of
financial donations to help defry the costs of holding
this event. Also we are looking for

I am sure that we can come to an agreement that would
be mutually beneficial.

If you have any question and/or concerns about this
event, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Robert Towle

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