Dear all,

The release of the next Debian stable version is approaching. For the
coverage of the release, the publicity team would like to gather
striking facts from various teams within the Debian project, and
broadcast them through [1] (and subsequently,
social networks).

If your team has:
- packaged important applications,
- gathered impressive statistics,
- achieved some amazing goal,
- performed very well in terms of translation, bugs handling, design,...
- got anything you want to share with us,
then please send an email to with
information wrapped in a sentence or two which could fit in social media
post. We will be happy to share your words with the rest of the world
when advertising the release of Debian Stretch.

If you'd like to get more involved in the release publicity coverage,
have a look at the publicity team wiki page [2] and contact us.


Thank you in advance for your inputs.

Best wishes,

Cédric, for the publicity team.

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