Hi Matthias,

What's the status of the Python 2.4 transition? During January you said
you were waiting on feedback from Steve Langasek and Josselin Mouette,
but Steve said he hasn't heard anything from you in a while, and thinks
that the transition outweighs whatever other Python improvements you're
working on.

A couple weeks ago you told me (on IRC) that you'd have a new
python-central/support-like thing ready for me to look at in a few days.
I still haven't heard anything from you. I have to agree with Steve, if
this is holding up the transition, it should stop -- the focus of the
Python packages right now should be the 2.4 transition.

From the looks of the Python buglists, and your responses on bugs like
#340791, it looks like you might not have enough time to maintain Python
anymore. Have you considered group or co-maintainership? Facing a
transition may not be the best time to start it, but this needs to start
very soon. The etch release plan starts calling for freezes by July, and
I know you're going to need time working on other parts of the toolchain
before then.
Joe Wreschnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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