On 01/11/2016 11:32 PM, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:
> Hi
> [Alex Mestiashvili, 2016-01-07]
>> I would like to join the DPMT with the goal to co-maintain the 
>> python-bibtexparser [0] package. I've been working with
>> Debian-Med and Debian-Perl teams for a while and also packaged a
>> few python packages under the hood of Debian-Med team. My Alioth
>> account is malex-guest. I've read the policy
>> https://python-modules.alioth.debian.org/policy.html and accept
>> it.
> welcome :)

Thanks! Can I go ahead and create the git repository for the package?

>> [0] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/bibtexparser
> you are running the same tests using the same interpreter version 
> multiple times (there's no interpreter name / version in `nosetests
> -v $(CURDIR)/$(PYBUILD_NAME)/tests`) - what's wrong with what
> pybuild does by default?

By default pybuild does not run the tests as far as I see.

I tried to play with pybuild and pytest but couldn't find a way to
tell that the tests are in bibtexparser/tests directory.
With nosetests it worked right away.

> you are running the same tests using the same interpreter version 
> multiple times

any hint how can I solve that and why does it happen ?

Best regards,

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