Alle 13:52, venerdì 25 novembre 2005, hai scritto:
> Le vendredi 25 novembre 2005 à 11:54 +0100, Vincenzo Di Massa a écrit :
> > Alle 11:04, venerdì 25 novembre 2005, David Arnold ha scritto:
> > > But, if compatible versions of those dependencies are already installed
> > > as Debian packages *without* egg metadata, will these be ignored?
> >
> > Yes, they will.
> Why?
> > > Even if it was possible for Debian to extend this downloading mechanism
> > > so that it looked for dependencies via apt-get before trying to install
> > > from the raw source or egg or whatever, it would usually be the case
> > > that the user running the newly downloaded Python application would not
> > > have permission to install system packages.
> >
> > I think easy_install coud be patched by debian packagers (or made
> > configurable by Phillip) to add a further check on dependency checking:
> > it could check if a dependency is already provided by system packages.
> It could do it by simply trying to import the module.
> > easy_install (and pkg_resources.require()) could have a config file
> > telling what code execute to test for dependencies, configurable in a way
> > that when I require foo-1.2.3 it can:
> > 1) optionally check if apt (or urpmi or anything else) can provide that
> > depenedency and, if apt has them, promt the user to either:
> >      1.1) run apt-get as root
> >      1.2) skip this step ( 1) ) and go to directly to 2)
> No. If the dependency is missing, this is a bug in the Debian package.
> No more, no less.
> Furthermore, it is a bad idea for a python script to mess up with the
> packaging system. Not only querying it is very slow, but it implies to
> make assumptions about the versioning scheme, that can become wrong at
> any time.
> > 2) check if it can find this dep like setuptools does today (installing
> > them as eggs somewhere in the user's home)
> I consider this as a security risk. I hope this can be disabled by
> default.
> Regards,

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