On Tue, 09 Feb 2021 19:56:10 +0100, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:

> > I don't feel confident uploading this NMU myself but I'd like to see
> > python-pymetar in bullseye.
> Very quickly looking at the filter diff for debian/*, that looks just
> fine.

Cool, thanks!
> But it's too late for bullseye.  Without an autopkgtest (which I'm not
> going to write myself not knowing the package), this will go over the
> 12th, and as such won't be due to the freeze policy.

Hm, right. Well, bad luck …
> > Is this something the Debian Python Team could take over?
> I'll keep a tab open to review and sponsor the nmu (but anybody feel
> free to beat me).

Thanks, much appreciated. 


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