We had a fairly successuful Python BOF yesterday, here are the notes
from Gobby.

The video should soon be available on:

Python 3 support: what can we do to add more python3-foo packages?

There will be a pybuild talk on Saturday. pybuild makes it really easy
to support py2+py3, but maybe it could still be made easier.

Some libraries don't have python 3 support, but a lot do, and still no
packages are there. Adding Python 3 support requires a binNEW roundtrip,
but these are fairly short, and we have some tame ftp-masters, so it
shouldn't be a blocker.

Do we have a list of python3 upstream supported libraries w/o python3
debian packages?
* PyPI has metadata for python 3 support, but it is not always up-to-date.
  Using this is probably a good start.
* Ubuntu once had a spreadsheet, but only for the base images for mobile,
  server and desktop, not a comprehensive list of all the packages in
  the archive.

Let's push hard to migrate all the DPMT & PAPT packages. (see action items)

An interesting page with some Python3 support list:
A good guide on how to fix Python3 issues:

If upstream doesn't have support, ask for it upstream or go on the
python-porting mailing list for help. No need to add it yourself if you
don't want to.

How does one migrate from python-foo to python3-foo when python-foo
provides a /usr/bin script? alternatives is an option, but unecessarily
complex. Probably the better solution is to ship a "foo" binary package
that ships the /usr/bin script (and depends on the python3 library).
Hopefully ftp-masters will accept it.

Packages which were identified as real blockers for Python3 support,
with lack of Python3 support upstream (incomplete list)
- memcached
- eventlet
- wxwidgets / wxpython

Getting rid of Py2 in the base install is not realistic for jessie (most
importantly reportbug uses a Py2-only SOAP library). To be revisited
(and done!) for Jessie+1.

python-support removal in Jessie

Is it possible? Should we focus on this?

dh-python2 is The One True Way to build python (2) packages.
python-central is gone from the archive and python-support is
deprecated. Likewise dh-python{3,pypy} (move this below?)

The documentation could use a go-over to ensure the proper packaging
philosophy is consistent.
 - wiki/Python
 - wiki/Python/Packaging
 - wiki/Python/LibraryStyleGuide
 - Python Policy, Appendix B

stdeb has been updated to use dh_python2


Let's start updating with DPMT, and consider doing a MBF once that is
done. Finally, have ftp-masters add an autoreject for the last push.

Further investigation after the session found 362 packages in unstable,
and 326 in testing.

148 in the DPMT SVN HEAD, 51 in PAPT SVN HEAD. We should probably try to
convert these, and MBF the rest.

PyPy3, how can we help Stefano?

It's a crazy complicated package. Help is needed.

PyPy3 has now been released, so we should start to support it. The
complication is on C extensions, but you shouldn't really be using those
with PyPy anyway.

Stuff pybuild / dh_python* lacks
What can be automated?

nose / pytest / testrepository+subunit by default?
* No metadata to specify which testsuite to use
* pybuild could have a look at build-dependencies to guess which
  testsuite to run Build-Depends requirement for egg/PyPI/Python
  distribution  Depends translation?

More build plugins?

Action Items

* piotr to help with a list of packages that lack py3 support in Debian.
* barry to help with scripting python3 addition for DPMT packages.
* piotr to sponsor uploads for dh_pysupport->dh_python2 transition in

And that's about all. The git migration discussion will come in a
separate e-mail.


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 461 1230 C: +27 72 419 8559

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