This bug is a pain: (librabbitmq1)

Unfortunately, nothing seems to be happening to fix it.

Might have to have my package depend on python-amqp but conflict
with python-librabbitmq :-(

Just installing python-amqp without removing python-librabbitmq appears to
be insufficient, and
python-librabbitmq gets installed by default.

Maybe we should think about requesting python-librabbitmq be removed from
Debian? python-amqp appears to be a better alternative.

As far as I can see, python-librabbitmq is unusable, and as such will
change #747270 to Grave. This makes it release critical, and I believe
Debian would be better off without it.

However, the underlying C library apparently might be ok(???), so #736348,
as explained in the bug report, should not be release critical.

makes the package in question unusable or mostly so, or causes data loss,
or introduces a security hole allowing access to the accounts of users who
use the package"
Brian May <>

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