
I think the issue described below by Nilesh Patra might be caused by the
fact that the UDD dump[3] is not updated properly.  I just downloaded
the dump and get a modification time of

   Modify: 2021-10-11 02:55:01.000000000 +0200

and md5sum

   fb9c6cb3ddb3d819983f7c0d82a50669  udd.dump

While the UDD on ullmann has

udd=> select source , version, debian_mangled_uversion, upstream_version, 
status from upstream where source in ('r-cran-s2','r-cran-rwave') ;
    source    | version | debian_mangled_uversion | upstream_version |   status 
 r-cran-rwave | 2.6-0-1 | 2.6-0                   | 2.6-0            | up to 
 r-cran-s2    | 1.0.7-3 | 1.0.7                   | 1.0.7            | up to 
(2 rows)

my local import has

udd=# select source , version, debian_mangled_uversion, upstream_version, 
status from upstream where source in ('r-cran-s2','r-cran-rwave') ;
    source    | version | debian_mangled_uversion | upstream_version |   status 
 r-cran-rwave | 2.5-0-1 | 2.5-0                   | 2.5-0            | up to 
 r-cran-s2    | 1.0.6-1 | 1.0.6                   | 1.0.6            | up to 
(2 rows)

Could someone please check the export procedure of the dump?
This probably also affects the public udd mirror (even if I need
to admit that I can not reach this currently).

Kind regards


Am Thu, Oct 07, 2021 at 06:02:59PM +0530 schrieb Nilesh Patra:
> I had uploaded r-cran-rwave couple of days back, and it has even
> migrated to testing. r-cran-s2 is also updated for a while, but
> it shows the older version here[1]
> Same goes for med-team packages, for example augur, bbmap insilicoseq
> so on.
> Something wrong with UDD again?

> [1]: 
> https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team/maintenance-utilities/-/blob/master/outdated_r-packages.txt
> [2]: 
> https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/community/helper-scripts/-/blob/master/outdated_med-packages.txt
> Nilesh

[3] https://udd.debian.org/dumps/udd.dump


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