
I am trying to install rekall under Woody.  I cannot seem to get past 
the configure script, where it says that I do not have qt>=3.0 
installed.  In the config.log file, I see the message

QT_VERSION not defined

I'm not quite sure why things are not working, because I most 
certainly do have qt>=3.0 installed (otherwise I couldn't be using 
KDE>=3.0, which I am).  I have looked for .deb packages of rekall, 
but can't seem to find any with the latest stable version, and I'm 
not sure if there is an official site that is hosting rekall*.deb for 
use with apt-get.

If someone could provide some insight as to how I can get the 
configure script to at least pass the Qt check, I would very much 
appreciate it.

((Please CC me in your reply))

Thank you,

|Brad Camroux              | === http://www.debian.org === |
|Student                   | ============================= |
|Geophysics & Applied Math | Proud admin and user of Debian|
|University of Calgary     | since 2003... because Red Hat |
|Calgary, AB, Canada       | just didn't cut it            |

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