Hi everybody.
I recently installed kde 3.2.1 from kde.org mirror in
woody. Had I read the wiki page
http://wiki.debian.net/?DebianKDE it wouldn't have
been the pain in the ass it was.
The thing is that after all was done I start kdm types
root, for root login, press enter and voila! I'm loged
in. This makes me laugh, we were suppouse to be
I checked kde control panel -> system administration
->login manager->convinience and see that neither Auto
Login or Enable password-less login were checked. Log
out from kde session go to the console and restart kdm
"/etc/init.d/kdm restart" and again the same isue. So
after diving the net I decide that the problem must be
pam.d. So I take a look at '/etc/pam.d/kdm' and after
readin man pam.d and pam modules (this on the net) and
changing lines with any resoult I decide to take a
look at "/etc/pam.d/xdm" noting the very difference I
edit "/etc/pam.d/kdm" and add to it this lines:
account  required   pam_unix.so
password required   pam_unix.so
session  required   pam_unix.so
and with that the probblem gets fixed.
I also moved out "/etc/pam.d/kdm-np" but that will
probbly be innecessary.
Thank's for your reading.

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