Package: kde
Version: 4:3.1.2

I wrote earlier to say this bug (254057) afflicted me. The issue was solved tonight when I updated to kdelibs4 and kdelibs-bin from unstable. The versions went from 4:3.2.2-2 (testing version) to 4:3.2.3-2 (unstable version) on both packages. This resolved the problem for me, and I now have all widget styles available.

$ apt-show-versions -a kdelibs4
kdelibs4        4:3.2.3-2       install ok installed
No stable version
kdelibs4        4:3.2.2-2       testing
kdelibs4        4:3.2.3-2       unstable
kdelibs4/unstable uptodate 4:3.2.3-2

$ apt-show-versions -a kdelibs-bin
kdelibs-bin     4:3.2.3-2       install ok installed
No stable version
kdelibs-bin     4:3.2.2-2       testing
kdelibs-bin     4:3.2.3-2       unstable
kdelibs-bin/unstable uptodate 4:3.2.3-2

Maybe the movement of these packages to testing should be expedited, since they seem to solve this problem.


James R. Phillips
South Bend, Indiana

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