Control: retitle -1 "ssh-agent unsets LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
Control: tag -1 + wontfix


This issue is produced by ssh-agent by design, as documented in:

 Setgid ssh-agent and environment variables

 As of version 1:3.5p1-1, ssh-agent is installed setgid to prevent ptrace()
 attacks retrieving private key material. This has the side-effect of causing
 glibc to remove certain environment variables which might have security
 implications for set-id programs, including LD_PRELOAD, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and

 If you need to set any of these environment variables, you will need to do
 so in the program exec()ed by ssh-agent. This may involve creating a small
 wrapper script.

As mentioned before, in KDE you can add a shell script like ~/.kde/env/
that would be executed on session start, maybe a simple:
 . ~/.bash_profile
is enough for you.

Other desktop environments provide different ways to export enviroment

Happy hacking,
Porque no respeta el orden natural en el que se leen las cosas
> ¿Por qué contestar al principio del mensaje es malo?
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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