
I am using a kickerplugin (cpuinfo) that implements QToolTip. This 
functionality is achived by reimplementing mayBeTip(). The only problem is, 
that under Debian Sid, the ToolTip is just shown for maybe 1-2 minute after 
the start of KDE. If I move the mouse over this plugin later, the ToolTip 
will not be shown. This behavior is the same with the Lock/LogOut plugin. We 
(the author and I) tested this plugin under different Operating Systems 
(Gentoo, Debian Sid, Debian Sarge).
But this error occurs just under Sid. Is there something know about that 
problem? Another user of this plugin methioned the same problem.

start of kde and the kicker: ToolTip is shown, if mouse is over plugin
after 1-3 minutes: no ToolTip is shown, if mouse is over the plugin

The plugin can be found here: 

Maybe somebody can test the deb (from the url above) and verify this problem.
(Note just Debian Sid!)



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