
While updating package ruby-elasticsearch[1], the autopkgtest test suite
was missing, and hence no autopkgtest was seen. For, the same I added the
test suite field in the d/control file.
But as I can see, package ruby-elasticsearch consists of various
constituents of it in the same package(like elasticsearch-api,
elasticsearch-xpack, elasticsearch-transport etcetera).
When, the autopkgtest runs, it can't find a main gemspec directory and
reports an error(logs are pasted below):

autopkgtest [01:37:14]: test gem2deb-test-runner: gem2deb-test-runner
--autopkgtest --check-dependencies 2>&1
autopkgtest [01:37:14]: test gem2deb-test-runner: [-----------------------

│ Checking Rubygems dependency resolution on ruby2.5

`do_check_dependencies': E: dependency resolution check requested but no
working gemspec available (RuntimeError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/gem2deb/test_runner.rb:68:in `run_tests'
from /usr/bin/gem2deb-test-runner:67:in `<main>'
autopkgtest [01:37:15]: test gem2deb-test-runner: -----------------------]
autopkgtest [01:37:15]: test gem2deb-test-runner:  - - - - - - - - - -
results - - - - - - - - - -
gem2deb-test-runner  FAIL non-zero exit status 1
autopkgtest [01:37:15]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ summary
gem2deb-test-runner  FAIL non-zero exit status 1

E: Autopkgtest run failed.

I'm a bit confused about a workaround to it. IT will be a great help if
someone can help me with it,

It is needed for Gitlab v12.7.0 and is needed for a major update.[2]



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