Витус, что там с русификацией 8.2, оно живое или мертвое? 
А то как раз человек подходяще спрашивает...

----- Forwarded message from Gregor Hoffleit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

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Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 17:46:24 +0100
From: Gregor Hoffleit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
Cc: debian-python@lists.debian.org
Subject: Do we prefer Tk8.0 or 8.2 ? (for python-tk, that is)
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I have a quite urgent problem while polishing the new Python packages:

Do we prefer our packages to use tk8.2 or on tk8.0 ?

Python's Tkinter extension module (package python-tk) needs to be linked to
libtk. I wonder if I should stay with libtk8.0 or switch to libtk8.2 for the
final potato package, as wishlist bug #46705 suggests.

A little bit more of half of the Tk packages in potato seem to use tk8.0,
while the other half already uses tk8.2.

Only three packages would need to be rebuilt after an switch to libtk8.2, so
that's possible (python-imaging-tk, python-imaging-sane and sketch).

I'm also thinking about providing two Tkinter packages, python-tk and
python-tk8.2 (resp python-tk8.0 and python-tk). The problem with this is
that the alternative package would have to be built from a pristine source
package (tk8.0-dev and tk8.2-dev conflict), and that both packages either
would have to conflict with each other, or I had to come up with some custom
solution to make them coexist (renaming the module to _tkinter82, or using

Any opinions ?

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