Привет всем..
с gnomeicu слава богу разобрался.. теперь вот еще одна проблема встала...
skopa:/home/skopa# mount -t smbfs -o username=skopa,password=skopa, //basepdc/setup /mnt
 Conversion from UCS-2LE to 1251 not supported
 Conversion from UCS-2LE to 1251 not supported
 Conversion from 1251 to UCS-2LE not supported
 Conversion from 1251 to CP866 not supported
 Conversion from 1251 to UTF8 not supported
 Conversion from 1251 to UCS-2LE not supported
 Conversion from 1251 to CP866 not supported
 Conversion from 1251 to UTF8 not supported
 Conversion from CP866 to 1251 not supported
 Conversion from CP866 to 1251 not supported
 Conversion from UTF8 to 1251 not supported
 Conversion from UTF8 to 1251 not supported
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - как сие лечить? ????
 Usage: mount.smbfs service mountpoint [-n] [-o options,...]
 Version 2.999+3.0.alpha21-5 for Debian

       username=<arg>                  SMB username
       password=<arg>                  SMB password
       credentials=<filename>          file with username/password
       netbiosname=<arg>               source NetBIOS name
       uid=<arg>                       mount uid or username
       gid=<arg>                       mount gid or groupname
       port=<arg>                      remote SMB port number
       fmask=<arg>                     file umask
       dmask=<arg>                     directory umask
       debug=<arg>                     debug level
       ip=<arg>                        destination host or IP address
       workgroup=<arg>                 workgroup on destination
       sockopt=<arg>                   TCP socket options
       scope=<arg>                     NetBIOS scope
       iocharset=<arg>                 Linux charset (iso8859-1, utf8)
       codepage=<arg>                  server codepage (cp850)
       ttl=<arg>                       dircache time to live
       guest                           don't prompt for a password
       ro                              mount read-only
       rw                              mount read-write

 This command is designed to be run from within /bin/mount by giving
 the option '-t smbfs'. For example:
mount -t smbfs -o username=tridge,password=foobar //fjall/test /data/test
И диск не монтируется !!!
Всем спасибо , что уделили свое драгоценное время на чтение моего сообщения..
С уважением, Алексей
