Hi Anatole, 

On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 08:49:42AM +0400, Anatole Surushkin wrote:
> According documentation, if to compile GNU Ghostscript with option
> "ttfont" - it work with ttf fonts and unicode encoding. I got source GNU
> Ghostscript and tried to apply this option. But "make" do not knows such. It
> is not possible to use True Type fonts at all, Is not it? It will be very
> fine to use free unicode True Type fonts to print non English texts. Please
> help me to use its. And why is the Ghostscript binary not compiled for True
> Type?

Simply because I missed that option. Sorry about that. I just built a
version with the ttfont option enable. You can get it at


> About Type1 fonts for printing non English texts. I do not find in Internet
> free Type1 Russian koi8-r (and other encodings and languages) fonts. Where
> can I do it? Besides, reading documentation and handling various Type1 fonts
> and Ghostscript, there appeared suspictions that the Ghostscript and Type1
> fonts can be use only for printing English texts.

I am not very experienced in that area simply because I don't have any
and couldn't even read russian texts. I depend on russian developers or
users to tell me what needs to be done in Ghostscript to support those.
Also I could not check if it worked.

I am Cc'ing this mail to the debian-russian mailing list. Perhaps somebody
over there can help. If there is anything I can do to improve the situation
for russian users please let me know.

> Please answer me - whether I can print Russian (and other) texts and how. If
> I must use only Type1 fonts - where I may get it. But it wil be better to
> use True Type for me. Now my operation system is Debian/Linux and pure
> Xfree86 (without any Gnome, Fvwm ...).

Pure XFree86 without window manager? That must be kind of unusable...

Kind regards


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