
?? ???? ??????????? - ?? vim ????? :make, ??? ???????? ??? ????, ??

---[quoting vim]---
> gcc parbars.c -O2 -o parbars
> Press RETURN or enter command to continue
---[end of quote]---

? ??? RETURN

?? ??????? 

---[quoting vim]---
> (1 of 1): gcc parbars.c -O2 -o parbars
> Press RETURN or enter command to continue
---[end of quote]---

????? ??? RETURN

??? ??? ?????????? ??? ???? ???? ??????????? ?? ??????... 

Artem Baguinski, (http://nerve.v2.nl/)
V2_Lab - International Lab For the Unstable Media
Eendrachtsstraat 10 - 3012 XL Rotterdam
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!
