Dear Reader,

it is my pleasure to draw your attention to the 'Debian Local Area
Network' project (Debian-LAN).

The goal of Debian-LAN is to make setting up a local network with
centralized user and machine management, intranet, etc. as easy as
possible in Debian.

To do that, the project aims for providing anything needed for such
systems: Documentation, code, whatever.  For the time being, the FAI
framework [1] is employed to setup the system.  However, the project
is in general not limited to FAI.
FAI's class system allows for great flexibility without loosing
control over customization.  All modifications are implemented in the
config space and thereby documented in a well-structured way.

So far, a set of FAI classes and the corresponding config space has
been prepared to implement a Debian-LAN:

  * A mainserver with Kerberos KDC and LDAP including the FAI-server
    to install clients.
  * Clients are installed over the network from the mainserver,
    automounting their kerberized home directories.
  * Diskless clients are implemented as an option.

The system is comparable to the debian-edu network and can be used for
schools, small enterprises, associations, (university) work groups and
much more.  It provides the Gnome and LXDE desktop environment by
default on the clients.  Depending on your needs, you can easily add a
customized package selection.  For example the metapackages of a
Debian Blend.

Everybody is invited to take a look, test, report back and of course
contribute.  More information can be obtained from the sources listed
below [2].  We use a git repository [3] on collab-maint on Alioth.  To
install the mainserver, prepare a CD image following the instructions
in the wiki[4] and get started!

Looking forward to comments and ideas,
best regards,


[1] <URL:>

[2] Please do not hesitate to ask:
       Documentation: <URL:>,
       Mailing List:  
       IRC Channel:   #debian-lan on
       Alioth Project pages:  

[3] To clone the repository use:
       git clone git://
    The repository contains the FAI config space for the provided setup.

[4] <URL:>


A N D R E A S   B.   M U N D T

GPG key: 4096R/617B586D 2010-03-22 Andreas B. Mundt--<>
                                   Andreas B. Mundt--<>


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