Hello there,

It's with trust, I faithfully contact you this day. I want to confirm to you 
that my interest to invest good money internationally is very strong. Although' 
I know sincerely that, this letter will definitely come to you as a huge 
surprise, but I implore you to take time to go through it carefully, as the 
decision you make will go a long way to determine our future relationship.

I am Medic: Capt. Kirinec Zlatko. I'm a U.S soldier with the NATO troop 
currently stationed in Afghanistan; I am the officer in charge of medics. It is 
my intention to live outside the confines of the United States after my 
retirement in probably 6 months, owing to the fact that I would like a quiet 
and peaceful life after my services as a soldier. Furthermore, I have decided 
to relocate with my family to live in any part of Europe in order to settle 
down and afford for myself the civil life I have denied myself all these years. 
I have really dedicated a lot to the military and I think its due time I gave 
something meaningful to myself.

Secondly, I must apologize for the inconveniences/mishap this mail might cause 
you. However, at the same time I contacted you because I have an urgent need of 
moving this fund out $28,900,000.00. (Twenty eight million nine hundred 
thousand united state dollars only). The fund in question was realized from 
series of oil deals I had with some Arab and Iraqi oil and gold merchants here. 
I have been searching for a reliable and trustworthy person that would partner 
with me in receiving the fund whenever it is transferred. I have made every 
necessary arrangement to transfer the fund to Europe through diplomatic courier 
means; that is to package the fund in a diplomatic vault and transported as 
cargo with the Red Cross jet. 

We as uniformed men are not allowed to parade such amount of money in service. 
It breaches the code of conduct in the military Laws, especially when such a 
soldier is on deployment. I have been in Afghanistan for 5 years now and 
pressure here is getting tougher and the tension is increasingly rising 
everyday by the day. The money is right now protected under the diplomatic 
custody of the Red Cross. The Red Cross director here is my friend and he is 
part of the business. He kindly accepted to save my money under the diplomatic 
security of the Red Cross until I appoint someone as the beneficiary using 
their contact to transfer the money and the money shall be released to the 
person with ease.

I want to get the fund transferred out of here as soon as possible. I was once 
a married man with two lovely daughters who are barely 9yrs and 11yrs old 
respectively. Moreover, I would like to invest part of the fund in any good 
lucrative business which you will direct me on since I am not a business 
person. In fact, I pray to locate a reliable person who can be very trustworthy 
and sincere to receive the fund and handle the deal for me without mischievous 

I require a great trust and sincerity from you because if anything happens to 
me, you shall take care of my family especially my two daughters whom I shall 
also make partners in my agreement with you. If perhaps interested, ensure to 
let me know so as to enable us further proceed as time is of great essence to 
me. I wait for your contact details, thus enabling us move into action. In less 
than seven working days, the money ought to be in your possession. I shall 
offer you 30% of the sum, 10% will be given to the Charitable Organization and 
60% is for my investment interest which you will still be part off. As you 
would agree with me that nothing goes for nothing and I hope it seems fair 
enough to you for your kind assistance as my receiving partner.

Revert back to me in a timely manner with your personal email address because 
of the confidentiality of this business. Once again I would like this Top 
Secret to remain
highly confidential between you and I for security reasons.

Kind regards,
Medic: Capt. Kirinec Zlatko.

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