Package: gnuplot-tex
Version: 4.6.6-3

It seems the 4.6.6 based version is as new as we get it right now?
Current gnuplot (5.x versions), when used with terminal=tikz:



create output like:

%% generated with GNUPLOT 5.0p3 (Lua 5.1; terminal rev. 99, script rev. 100)
%% Sun 21 Aug 2016 03:31:13 PM CEST
\path (0.000,0.000) rectangle (12.500,8.750);
\gpcolor{color=gp lt color border}
\gpsetlinetype{gp lt border}
\gpsetdashtype{gp dt solid}

However, in the old 4.6.6 based gnuplot-lua-tikz-common.tex,
"\gpsetdashtype" isn't defined. Simply defining it to something empty
like \def\gpsetdashtype#1{} makes it work for now, but updating to
gnuplot's current gnuplot-lua-tikz-common.tex would be appreciated.


      Jan-Benedict Glaw              +49-172-7608481
Signature of: 23:53 <@jbglaw> So, ich kletter' jetzt mal ins Bett.
the second  : 23:57 <@jever2> .oO( kletter ..., hat er noch Gitter vorm Bett, 
wie früher meine Kinder?)
              00:00 <@jbglaw> jever2: *patsch*
              00:01 <@jever2> *aua*, wofür, Gedanken sind frei!
              00:02 <@jbglaw> Nee, freie Gedanken, die sind seit 1984 doch aus!
              00:03 <@jever2> 1984? ich bin erst seit 1985 verheiratet!

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