
I finally found some time to have a look and tried to reproduce the
issue with scilab-plotlib, but I get a different problem:

DOCBOOK_ROOT=/usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/xsl/nwalsh \
        /usr/bin/scilab -nw -f builder.sce
Scilab 6.0.0 (Dec  2 2017, 12:18:39)
at line    15 of executed file /tmp/scilab-plotlib-0.42/builder.sce

  error(msprintf(gettext('%s module not installed."),'development_tools'));
Error: Heterogeneous string detected, starting with ' and ending with ".


And indeed, there is a number of places where such heterogeneous strings
appear. When I fixed those, I was hit by:
at line     1 of executed string
at line    19 of executed file
at line    13 of function        tbx_builder        (
/usr/share/scilab/modules/modules_manager/macros/tbx_builder.sci line 26 )
at line    36 of function        tbx_builder_macros (
line 51 )
at line    23 of executed file   /tmp/scilab-plotlib-0.42/builder.sce

save: Wrong type for input argument #2: A String expected.

and it looks like ./macros/buildmacros.sce:

Is this code compatible with scilab 6.0.0 ?

I'll have a look at scilab-ann and scilab-celestlab too later.

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