Processing control commands:

> reassign -1 libmpich-dev
Bug #853324 [src:bagel] bagel: ftbfs with GCC-7
Bug reassigned from package 'src:bagel' to 'libmpich-dev'.
No longer marked as found in versions bagel/0.0~git20170109-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #853324 to the same values 
previously set
> reassign 853532 libmpich-dev
Bug #853532 [src:madness] madness: ftbfs with GCC-7
Bug reassigned from package 'src:madness' to 'libmpich-dev'.
No longer marked as found in versions madness/0.10.1~gite4aa500e-10.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #853532 to the same values 
previously set
> reassign 853562 libmpich-dev
Bug #853562 [src:mpqc3] mpqc3: ftbfs with GCC-7
Bug reassigned from package 'src:mpqc3' to 'libmpich-dev'.
No longer marked as found in versions mpqc3/0.0~git20170114-4.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #853562 to the same values 
previously set
> reassign 853404 libmpich-dev
Bug #853404 [src:form] form: ftbfs with GCC-7
Bug reassigned from package 'src:form' to 'libmpich-dev'.
No longer marked as found in versions form/4.1-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #853404 to the same values 
previously set
> forcemerge -1 853532 853562 853404
Bug #853324 [libmpich-dev] bagel: ftbfs with GCC-7
Bug #853404 [libmpich-dev] form: ftbfs with GCC-7
Bug #853532 [libmpich-dev] madness: ftbfs with GCC-7
Bug #853562 [libmpich-dev] mpqc3: ftbfs with GCC-7
Merged 853324 853404 853532 853562
> retitle -1 libmpich-dev: drop the gcc version check in mpicxx.h
Bug #853324 [libmpich-dev] bagel: ftbfs with GCC-7
Bug #853404 [libmpich-dev] form: ftbfs with GCC-7
Bug #853532 [libmpich-dev] madness: ftbfs with GCC-7
Bug #853562 [libmpich-dev] mpqc3: ftbfs with GCC-7
Changed Bug title to 'libmpich-dev: drop the gcc version check in mpicxx.h' 
from 'bagel: ftbfs with GCC-7'.
Changed Bug title to 'libmpich-dev: drop the gcc version check in mpicxx.h' 
from 'form: ftbfs with GCC-7'.
Changed Bug title to 'libmpich-dev: drop the gcc version check in mpicxx.h' 
from 'madness: ftbfs with GCC-7'.
Changed Bug title to 'libmpich-dev: drop the gcc version check in mpicxx.h' 
from 'mpqc3: ftbfs with GCC-7'.
> affects -1 src:bagel src:madness src:mpqc3 src:form
Bug #853324 [libmpich-dev] libmpich-dev: drop the gcc version check in mpicxx.h
Bug #853404 [libmpich-dev] libmpich-dev: drop the gcc version check in mpicxx.h
Bug #853532 [libmpich-dev] libmpich-dev: drop the gcc version check in mpicxx.h
Bug #853562 [libmpich-dev] libmpich-dev: drop the gcc version check in mpicxx.h
Added indication that 853324 affects src:bagel, src:madness, src:mpqc3, and 
Added indication that 853404 affects src:bagel, src:madness, src:mpqc3, and 
Added indication that 853532 affects src:bagel, src:madness, src:mpqc3, and 
Added indication that 853562 affects src:bagel, src:madness, src:mpqc3, and 
> tags -1 patch
Bug #853324 [libmpich-dev] libmpich-dev: drop the gcc version check in mpicxx.h
Bug #853404 [libmpich-dev] libmpich-dev: drop the gcc version check in mpicxx.h
Bug #853532 [libmpich-dev] libmpich-dev: drop the gcc version check in mpicxx.h
Bug #853562 [libmpich-dev] libmpich-dev: drop the gcc version check in mpicxx.h
Added tag(s) patch.
Added tag(s) patch.
Added tag(s) patch.
Added tag(s) patch.

Debian Bug Tracking System
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