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Am 04.03.20 um 20:41 schrieb Elmar Stellnberger:
It would be a question if anyone has tried to download a SHA512SUMS file from with atea? As it turned out downloading this file with tails/tor is NOT sufficient. I have verified a Debian Live 10.1.0 DVD image against the Debian 10.1.0 Install BD-DL I have. Debcheckroot reported several infected packages like mkinitramfs, ispell and several pam-modules though mounting the squashfs may already have triggered some malware.

Yours Sincerely
Elmar Stellnberger

Am 04.03.20 um 20:04 schrieb Elmar Stellnberger:
Hi folks

   You can now download the indicated program at and read some documentation at

Kind Regards,

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