On Sat, Jul 01, 2000 at 10:19:39AM +0200, Thor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to 
> if you have physical access to the console and floppy drive you can always 
> start with a boot + root floppy, mount the hard disk and modify the 
> mounted /etc/passwd file ... this is an old trick, usefull when you 
> loose the root password ;-)

  ..unless, of course, the machine's owner has disabled floppy boots..in which
case, you have to open the thing up and reset the BIOS; if the machine is in
an environment with someone watching what's going on (eg, a school computer
lab), this is fairly suspicious behavior and likely to bring unwanted


/----------------- Daniel Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----------------\
|     If you're reading    |    Wisdom is one of the few things               |
|    this, you have too    |    that looks bigger the farther away it is.     |
|      much free time.     |      -- Terry Pratchett                          |
\----------------- The Turtle Moves! -- http://www.lspace.org ----------------/

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