Joel Rees wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 12:45 AM, [...]
> >> I know, I am a jerk, but it was the first thing I thought of
> >
> > I don't think that makes you a jerk at all.
> We are all jerks at times. It's part of being human and not
> understanding the other guy's situation.
> > IMHO one of the most
> > serious deteriorations in our profession has been the rise of slapdash,
> > non-technical, shoot-from-the-hip people to positions of power and
> > control. Raising your eyebrows at this trend does not make you a jerk.
> > It might make you humourless, but I'm sure that just applies to me :)
> Trend?
> Bill Gates?
> Steve Jobs?
> Trend, maybe, but nothing particularly new.
> Managers manage by charisma more than by technical skill, even in the
> "best" cases.

As someone who has been both management and a tech geek, I disagree
slightly about management with charisma alone. I agree with the
sentiment that someone who is in charge of a technical security portion
cannot figure out how to unsubscribe from a list. 

Anyone random having issues, I'd understand but the very thing that
should represent the profession  belies the strangeness of the OP's
request. Of all things he should know, this isn't the hardest...  A
cursory google search would have told how to unsubscribe.

Kinda troubling I agree.


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