Tuesday, March 18, 2003, 3:40:40 PM, Jason Rashaad Jackson (Jason) wrote:

Jason> His announcement is Slashdotted, and I'm seeing no notice of which 
Jason> are affected!  I'm running 2.4.18 on all my Debian servers, please tell 
Jason> what's going on.


Looks like all 2.2 and 2.4 are affected.  The patch for 2.4 is in the

| Eddie J Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.m00.net |
| AIM: The Cypher ICQ: 35576339 YHOO: edmcman2 MSN:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| SMS: [EMAIL PROTECTED] "We Trills have an expression--   |
|  at forty, you think you know everything. At four hundred   |
|  hundred, you realize you know nothing." - Dax, ST-DS9      |

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