On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 09:31:09AM +0200, VERBEEK, Francois wrote:

> I didn't intend to start an extensive discussion when replying to 
> Aurelien's question. Anyway, I'd just like to say to close the 
> debate that something that makes the web so strong is that anyone 
> can express himself in its own language.  

 What makes the web strong is not the local language, but the power 
 of a language which (most) people understand and can comunicate 
 with. This is what makes working with/using the internet possible.

> I understand and strongly agree that distribution lists like this one
> requests its users to use a commonly known language (in the computer
> world). 

 Well, you can use a language which nobody understands or wants to use
 (like Esperanto, French, ...), but you cannot expect the others to
 reply or even help you.
> So such a standard language, if ever appliable (look at Esperanto!),
> forced to be used, would be dramatically sad. 
 It is not forced, you are free (thats how the internet works). But do
 not expect people to be friendly and helpful, when they don't
 understand you/do not want to understand you.


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