Hello Team,

I'm cc`ing the upstream of o-saft, Achim.

When I started packaging o-saft for Debian, Achim got in contact
interested in helping us having a high quality package for o-saft.

It happened that we changed some emails but I didn't took enough
time to actually improve the package, and would like some help with

There are a couple of things, and I will paste parts of emails Achim
sent me (with their permission), but the main and tricky problem is
bundling some old version of openssl with the package.

You see, o-saft needs an old version of openssl to be able to check for
old ssl things (ciphers etc.).

I know there has been some talk about getting an "openssl-insecure"
package for the testssl.sh[0] package for the same reason. I think we
should rather talk with upstream and propose some bundling of this
required version of openssl into o-saft.

Currently, o-saft has a helper builder script that downloads and builds
the required openssl, but we can't use it on Debian as we can't download
things at build time.

What I need help to, is figuring out something that upstream can do it
in a way that allow us to ship this statically linked openssl. But I
don't wanna ask upstream for something that could end up not being
useful because somebody on our side blocked the approach.

Here I will paste most of the emails usptream sent me, some of the
changes may have been addressed already and sorry for not removing
it, I removed the parts I remember I have addressed already, I know I
could spend more time on the formatting of the email but I think it's
better to ask for help now as I've been dragging this for too long already:

I'd like to suggest following improvments:

> 2. o-saft.pl (/usr/bin/o-saft)
>    produces some warnings, quick&drty fix in /usr/bin/o-saft:
>         /usr/share/o-saft/o-saft.pl --no-sslv2 --no-sslv3 --no-tlsv3 "$@"
>    a more elegant fix would be:
>    a) in /usr/share/o-saft/.o-saft.pl (remove #):
>         --no-sslv2
>         --no-sslv3
>         --no-tlsv4
>    b) in usr/bin/o-saft:
>         /usr/share/o-saft/o-saft.pl --rc "$@"
> 3. o-saft.pl uses a special compiled openssl. Ist should be build on kali
>    and installed independent of /usr/bin/openssl, best in
> /usr/local/openssl/
>    Most of the warning you currenly get are because modern /usr/bin/openssl
>    does not support what's needed to check SSL/TLS.
>    The complete build commands can be found in the Dockerfile, see lines
>    following
>            #== Pull, build and install enhanced openssl
>    If needed, I can provide a special build-script.
> Finally, hope you have seen that there already is /usr/share/o-saft/o-saft
> Pleace consider to use that in /usr/bin/o-saft in future.
> It has option --cli to start as CLI o-saft.pl , or --gui to start the gui
> o-saft.tcl . It will (next version) start the GUI if there is no tty.
> This enables o-saft to be started from the panel menu.
> Please let me know, if you need assistance.

> I've setup  contrib/install_openssl.sh to fully work on all debian-based
> systems
> systems. The updated version is available at
>         https://github.com/OWASP/O
> -Saft/blob/master/contrib/install_openssl.sh
> No need to look in the Dockerfile (as the script uses the same code;-)
> Just a few note on contrib/install_openssl.sh
>         * it downloads source of openssl-chacha
>         * installs Perl modules using "perl -MCPAN"
>         * install everything in /usr/local
> It's already part of the package and then can be used directly with/from
> the next
> official verion of o-saft.tgz.
> /usr/local is currently not used by Kali, so you may "pack" that after
> running
> contrib/install_openssl.sh and put it into the o-saft package.
> As openssl is already installled on Kali as /bin/openssl, and
> /usr/local/openssl/bin
> containing the newly compiled openssl-chacha is not part of the PAH
> environment
> variable, I don't see a conflict.
> More difficult would be the installed Perl modules, as Perl's @INC
> contains /usr/local
> before /usr.  Currently only Net::SSLeay is effected (which was
> pre-installed on Kali).
> However, a "normal user" won't see the difference, as the adapted
> Net::SSLeay in
> /usr/local backward compatible to the pre-installed in /usr.
> Another idea is to install openssl-chacha and the Perl modules in
> /usr/share/o-saft/lib
> o-saft.pl is already prepared for that.
> Let me know, if this would simplify the packageing.

>   you)  I recommend you get used to contrib/install_openssl.sh
>         as a fully patched openssl enables the full power of o-saft
>   me)   I'll further improve contrib/install_openssl.sh (installing Perl
> mudule
>         only if missing, trying to install in /usr/share/o-saft/lib, ...)
>   we)   you tell me where you need assistance ;-)

Does it make sence to provide two packages: o-saft and o-saft-dev ?
> Then only o-saft-dev has the dependency libperl-critic-perl.
> There is already INSTALL.sh which removes the files not used at runtime,
> actually it's the diff of o-saft and o-saft-dev :-)
> You may use it like:
>         env inst=/usr/share/o-saft INSTALL.sh --install --n
> Let me know if I should improve or adapt INSTALL.sh.

So yeah, we need to think about a way of having o-saft with support
for all of the openssl things, and also probably split the package into a
and a dev one.



Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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