Hello Daichi,

> Now I put the latest upload here:
> https://salsa.debian.org/dfukui/unhide/-/tree/debian/master-rebase-v2


> In addition, the tag was updated accordingly.
> https://salsa.debian.org/dfukui/unhide/-/tags/debian%2F20210124-2

Just for the record, the debian/* tag should only be pushed by the
person doing the sponsor, so in this case I re-tagged when pushing the
changes to the repo.

> See the following for the details of the PR:
> https://github.com/YJesus/Unhide/pull/4

Nice, I see that it has been merged already.

> >Regarding the patches filenames, they're a bit different from the
> >format used by other patches due to the use of uppercase letters. It's
> >ok if you want to keep it that way, I was just wondering if that's
> >coming by default from some tool you're using (as the filename also
> >matches the description)? No need to change this unless you want to.
> Thanks for pointing this out.
> I use git-buildpackage or gbp for creating a patch.
> Interestingly, for some reason, that tool tries to capitalise some letters of 
> a commit title and turns it into a filename.
> Since there is no functional change, I'll keep the filename as they are.

Right, I assume that's something with gbp pq then.

> >Great, there's just a small issue with shipping the executable files
> >in /usr/lib, they should be moved to /usr/libexec. You can have a look
> >at the lintian finding for more details:
> >https://lintian.debian.org/tags/executable-in-usr-lib
> Now executables are located at /usr/libexec.

Ouch, I haven't noticed before that ToolTip.py doesn't have to be an
executable, and thus it doesn't need to be under libexec, but that
will require changes to the Gui module too, so for now let's stick to
what we have.

> >When installing ToolTip.py and unhideGui.py, you don't need to do an
> >override in d/rules (and neither d/dirs), you can make use of
> >d/unhide.install to simplify things.
> Yes, that sounds simpler than the combination of d/rules and d/dirs.
> Now the install procedure is merged into unhide.install.


> Besides, Salsa CI results look fine ;)
> https://salsa.debian.org/dfukui/unhide/-/pipelines/387697
> I hope things are better than the previous one.
> In addition, as always, I appreciate your feedback.

I have pushed your changes to the official repo and done the sponsor
for you (with some small changes to the changelog), thanks for
following up with the changes!


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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